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One of a kind Sapphire that is part of our collection.


It boats an unique bi-color with blue expanding from one side to the other of the gemstone, showing different hues, whilst the top / lower center parts, and the cullet, are colorless.


For the naked eye it is as a drop of blue ink fell and expanded inside the stone, leaving different hues of blue in what was a colorless stone.
Upon careful inspection (See macro video and photos) it is as the stone was hand painted with a brush with the blue strokes clearly visible. It is a fascinating work of nature.


This can be a collectible or the centre stone of an exclusive jewelry piece.


It measures 6.81x4.98x3.78mm, weights 1.27ct, and it was cut into an Octagon shape.

Collectible "Hand Painted" Sapphire

€ 2.800,00Prezzo

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    TWAK Gems è un pietre preziose naturali lucidate con sede nel distretto dei diamanti di Anversa

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