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Every diamond we offer has a captivating story to tell and it takes over 200 tons of ore to yield just one carat of gem-quality diamond, barely 0,00001%, highlighting the exceptional scarcity and value of these remarkable gems. 



While round brilliant diamonds are widely popular, this Certified Old Mine Cut has its own distinct character and charm. It is a piece of diamond history and antiquity, with a cut that dates back to the 18th century. It has a unique fire and shine and is the predecessor of todays modern cuts. Adding to its rarity, many old mines are recut into modern cuts, significantly reducing its supply/availability.


Details and description:
Color: J

Clarity: I1
Cut: Old Mine cut
Weight: 1.48ct
Dimensions: 7.36 x 5.78 x 5.02mm
Fluorescence: None
Certification Laboratory: HRD Antwerp
Certificate Number: 240000225689


The images/videos were made using a professional machine, Diapix, using macro lenses.





We are adherent of the World Diamond Council (WDC) System of Warranties and a stringent KYC (Know Your Customer) Policy, to ensure the utmost integrity and transparency in the sale of our diamonds. In summary for private buyers we will require a copy of a valid proof of Identification with photo that contains at least, surname, first name, date of birth, and if possible an address. For companies legal incorporation documentation of the company (statutes / by-laws), plus copy of the identification document of the compan official representative.

Certified Old Mine Cut Diamond

€ 2.259,00Prezzo

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    ©2024 TWAK Gems di Khabbaz Neto, William. P.IVA BE 0679.824.795

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    TWAK Gems è un pietre preziose naturali lucidate con sede nel distretto dei diamanti di Anversa

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